Sunday, July 24, 2011


After studying various details of traveling in Thailand, I was disappointed that I have no acceptable reason for extending my visa by more than 30 days. Student? Business? Visiting family? All no, so that leaves me with the tourist visa, which is 30 days. After the 30 day period I am required to leave the country for a day, and upon returning can get a 15 day extension stamp. The border runs can supposedly be repeated indefinitely, but the cost and long journey would soon become a burden once the novelty waned.

Flying into Thailand is not as simple as I thought it would be. I did not know that most countries will not allow someone to arrive with a one way ticket. Since I do not know when I am to leave Thailand, or by what method (train, bus, plane, boat, foot), I do not want to tie myself to a date and place of departure. A round trip ticket, which is required for entry, is not something which will promote wandering and a sense of timelessness. The cost of the ticket, ~$1200, is also more than I would like to pay, especially since flying to Costa Rica costs ~$450.

Since Thailand does not want tourists staying longer than 30 days, I have decided that it does not fit my main purpose - to live freely for the longest amount of time. The cost of border runs would deplete my savings faster than if I stayed at home.

I then studied details of travel in Costa Rica, and found things a bit more encouraging - a 90 day visa and cheap airfare had Thailand beat. However, the cost of living in Costa Rica is almost equal to that of living in the USA, so what then is the point of leaving the USA? I realize leaving my comfort zone and learning Spanish and immersing myself in a new culture can lead to immense growth, but growth in what area? One of the reasons I want to visit Thailand is to learn about their Buddhist culture. I don't know anything about the religious culture in Costa Rica, but my initial guess is that the Buddhist tradition there is not as strong as in the Far East.

It is now time to step backwards and reflect anew, starting once again the process of planning a new direction in my life. Having a nice apartment in a nice town has me considering that my best plan of action is no action. If my amount of leisure time can be maximized by remaining in Urbana, then not leaving may be the best choice. But my inner guide is restless and wants to strike out and explore something new.

To stay or to go.....
