Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chiang Mai Municipal Stadium

Two days ago I ran to the CMU campus and ran around the reservoir, then stopped at the sports field to run 6 x 300m intervals at a hard pace. I felt pretty good and finished up the workout doing 3 x 100m sprints. Later in the day I discovered on the internet that the Municipal Stadium has a track and is open to the public. The stadium being only a mile from where I live, I decided to visit it in the afternoon. While walking there I discovered a new and better route for getting to the city gates (less traffic), and when I arrived I walked the track. Even though it was around 11:00am there were quite a few people using it. I saw a woman in her 50's throwing a javelin, and another woman, also in her 50's, throwing a discus. Funny how I have never seen anyone practicing those things at a track in the states. There were also two homeless dogs camped out on the track. After walking the track I explored the facility and discovered a soccer field, swimming pool, basketball/tennis/badminton courts, and a weight center. My first impression of the track is that it is 800m in length, but when I later looked it up on the internet I could find no information other than one man guessing it was 400m.

This morning I ran to the stadium and after a couple warm up laps I did 8 x ?00m intervals at a hard pace. Each interval was half the distance of the track, so if a loop is 400m, I ran 200m, but it seemed longer, so maybe the track is 600m? Oh well, 8 reps is a decent session. After the intervals I walked to a fitness park just outside the track area and did some exercises (they had a pull up bar!)

After an afternoon nap I was feeling energetic so I walked to the fitness park on the other side of town and did some exercises. The loop is only about 100m, but it is popular, there were more than 30 people walking and doing various exercises.

I believe today is the end of week one of eating nothing after 12:00pm. Instead of growing more hungry as each day passes, I appear to be losing my normal appetite, and am eating smaller portions for the one daily meal which I eat at 11:00am. I am eating more slowly because it now seems like a treat, something which happens only once a day, and I want it to last as long as possible. Each day I notice the fat coming off my gut, if I can keep this up for another 2 weeks I will have little fat left on my body. I am making sure to exercise everyday so that the fat is replaced with muscle. I have not worn my jeans in a couple of weeks, I have a feeling the next time I wear them they will be falling off my waist.

I went to the Free Bird Cafe today, I was a bit nervous because of my recent vision of Maria, but I was fine, said hello to her and my normal state of mind returned, which is a relief, the last thing I want is to obsess over a girl.