Monday, April 9, 2012

Raining and Running

After 9 weeks of dryness the past few evenings have been wet and cool. Today the rain crept silently down the mountain while I played guitar, the sun still up and although I had just eaten a snack and was determined to rest, I could not resist the temptation to run through the streets, so I quickly slipped on shoes and emerged into the cool dusk, the drops heavy and within seconds was drenched. I could see blue skies above the mountains as I turned onto the road leading to the fitness park, and the sun was before me, the streets golden as the rain fell heavily. When it stopped a few minutes later I finished looping the park and began the way home, happy and feeling recovered from a tough week of exercise.

I had my ipod along for the ride and this was an error, it died and as I sit here writing I gaze at the screen, a black horizontal strip the only sign of life - ughhh.