Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I lost the flow of making guitar practice entries due to having our computer being switched with my wife's sister's computer. The new/temporary keyboard is difficult to use, I am always hitting the caplock key and missing the spacebar, so I have been avoiding typing whenever possible. We should have our computer back soon, so I am looking forward to having access to my photo files and being able to write again.

Today I ordered Jamie Andreas' "Principles of Correct Practice for Guitar". I have been reading her online essays for the past 2 months, and I have decided that her teaching and philosophy fits nicely with my style of learning. I am looking forward to reading the book and incorporating her principles and methods to my own practice structure.

I continue to make progress. My ring finger is still a little swollen from jamming it last week, but the pain has diminished, so I can practice guitar without any problems. I have been using Claude's scale software and with only a week of practice I have committed to memory the pentatonic scale in various keys. Although sitting in front of the computer with the guitar is not as relaxing as practicing in my studio, I find the 30-60 minute daily sessions to be enjoyable because of the chance to play along with the backing tracks.

I have my 3rd lesson with Robert tomorrow afternoon. So far I am enjoying the lessons. He allows me to plug into his big amp and I love the sound it gives to my guitar. During the lessons he throws me tidbits of information that I find to be helpful. He is trying to get me to open up my picking hand, and use it as a bridge on the pick guard. I don't find it to be comfortable, so for now I am sticking with keeping the hand loosely clenched in a fist-like position.