Saturday, November 19, 2011

New Life

Since making the decision to quit my job and leave the country for an extended period of time, my life has regained some of its old magic. There are many ways to view life and what it means to live. The people closest to me in regards to time/experience - my family - see it in a way which I think dull, harmful, and just flat out wrong. I don't think less of them for this, as almost everyone I have met in my life follows some sort of philosophy which is based on materialism/money = security/happiness. Perhaps one is more secure if a job is in hand and money is in the bank. But life is not an endless string of long moments, rather, it is a fragmented base of quick bursts of inspiration and illusion. What brings security and happiness is not money, but the life force itself. It is this which pushed me through the womb, into the light of the world, and it is this which sustains me for as long as it pleases, and it will be that which returns me to the unknown darkness.

The life force which directs our destinies can be corrupted through neglecting what is in the heart. Chasing after money and security leads to an effect unintended - fear and loathing, the magic of life blurred and kicked under ground. I will grant that some men's destinies involve the acquisition of money, in this sense they are doing what they are meant to do. But this is not mine, and so working a meaningless job is not always necessary. Quitting on the surface seems dangerous and foolish, but in doing so I have put my life in the hands of my heart. I may end up in the streets, could die from lack of access to medicine, or have other things go terribly wrong, but having the heart open full stop is worth the trouble. The magic has returned, and with it happiness and mystery.