Friday, January 20, 2012

Two Days

For the past 3 weeks I have been house sitting for Rachel while she treks across southern Africa. I have continued to prepare for my own imminent adventures - reading books, studying maps, researching the internet. All of my belongings are stored in Rachel's basement, and soon I will be without a home, very few belongings, with thoughts and feelings which are fueled by the new and unusual. In two days I will begin my Journey to the East.

Yesterday I was looking through my travel checklist, and was surprised to find that everything is finally complete. The only thing left to do is organize my backpack, which I began doing yesterday. I am confident that all of the things I plan to bring will fit, but am unsure if the weight of the pack will be allowed as a carry on. The class of ticket I purchased states that the max weight is 15 pounds!? However, I am allowed to bring a 2nd, smaller bag onto the plane. The total weight of my pack is 25-30 pounds, so both packs should be under the 15 lb max weight. Rachel, who came home a couple of days ago, told me the check-in staff won't bother to weigh the packs, so I am hoping that is true, as I would hate to check a bag due to the dishonest and careless people who work in baggage handling.

My flight leaves Chicago on Sunday, Jan 22, at 2:20pm, and will make a short layover in Hong Kong. I will then board another plane and arrive in Bangkok at 11:50pm on Jan 23. I reserved a hotel for a couple of nights in an out of the way place a few miles outside the city center. After recovering from the long flight I will decide what to do next. I am hoping to rent a place for a month in Bangkok, as I am interested in exploring the city with my legs and camera.

My emotions are fairly steady, but at times throughout the day I feel a mix of adrenalin and terror, caused by the soon-to-be plunge into an unknown land and culture.