Friday, February 17, 2012

The Gates

I ran the gates today, so I was able to complete the first fitness goal a bit quicker than expected. After completing the square I ran another mile to the fitness park, so total mileage was 5.5 miles. My legs are feeling pretty good lately, and I am continuing to lose weight. Inspired by the Thai monks, I decided that I would eat nothing after 12:00pm, which means I end up eating once every 24 hours. I have done this for 4 days now, and it is not difficult, and my energy is just as good, or better.

On the off days I walk to the fitness park in the mornings. It has equipment I had not seen before, so I just do the stuff I normally do, push ups mainly. I have not been able to locate a bar for pull ups or dips, so I have been a bit limited. One of the stations has 3 logs of differing sizes with a foot long handle at the edge of the log. The picture shows a man lifting himself up, but the logs are only about 5 feet high, so I was trying to do pull ups by bending my legs and lowering myself until my knees hit the ground. A few days later I saw someone using the log as it was meant to be used - pushing the log up, kind of like a vertical bench press. I had to laugh because my mind is like that - something new, it is likely to be "stumped" until a light bulb moment, which can sometimes take weeks. Today at the fitness park I saw someone hanging from a bar, and I was so happy - the bar was a thick metal pipe which braced a small pavilion roof. When the man finished I walked into the pavilion and found it to be the perfect height, I could grab it on tip toes, and it was secure enough to allow me to do pull ups. Now I just need to find a dip bar!

Went for my second night walk last night, made it out to the night market near the Ping River, by the time I got back I was feeling a bit weak due to no food, but I held tough and refrained from eating until the next day. I also made sure to avoid stepping into any sewage pits.

I finished reading Siddartha, and was able to sell it back to the book shop. I bought Death in Venice by Thomas Mann. I am almost finished (it is a short story), it is well written, about a middle aged traveler who falls in love with a boy, and this brings about his downfall.