Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rock Concert

Rock Concert Pixie I

Rock Concert Pixie II

Art Exhibit Painting

Afternoon Shadows

Wall Painting I

Wall Painting II

Balcony Sunset, I, February 5th

Balcony Sunset, II, February 5th

I was planning to stay inside my room today, other than getting a bite to eat at Tops Supermarket, but the maid came in the afternoon, breaking up my meditation session. I walked back to the mall for an hour to wander about in the shaded corridors, as it was too hot to be out in the afternoon sun. I went to the lower level and walked through an art exhibit. As I was looking at the paintings I began to notice oddly clothed girls prancing about, and soon a rock concert started in the outdoor courtyard. I walked out to listen and somehow got the nerve to ask a couple of the girls to pose for a picture. They happily agreed, and I will admit I was a bit nervous, it has been a long time since I did my homeless street portraits when I lived in Chicago.

When I got back to my now clean room I worked on editing the pictures. The sunlight in the room began to glow and I had the idea to strip my clothes off and take a few self portraits laying in bed. I think the hot weather made me do it, along with a bit of traveler's insanity. I think they turned out decent enough, but I know a middle aged body is not a pleasant thing to look at - sorry!

I did my 4th run today, I was going to skip it because I woke at 5:00am and just did not feel like getting out of bed, but when I fell back asleep I dreamt I was out running along the gates! - very odd experience, it seemed so real, so when I woke I decided I had better go for the run, the sun was already up but it was still cool, and it was interesting to see the route I have been running illuminated with sunlight. My legs still feel a bit sore from that initial run, I may have to take 2 days off to let them heal, but I am already making good progress with my fitness, once my legs recover I am looking forward to running some fast 5 milers.