Friday, March 16, 2012


Two days ago a rain storm was pushed into Chiang Mai. The sun was slipping behind the mountains when the wind began blowing things around and the dark clouds threw heavy shadows onto the city. I lost power in my apartment for a few hours so I lay in bed under the mosquito net listening to the sirens and the wind and the pop pop of the rain until I fell asleep. Whatever smog was in the city was cleared out and it has been a good week for lack of smog.

I took two days off from running and this morning I got out the door for a long run just before the sunrise. When I arrived at the fitness park I heard a loud singing/banging/rasping sound - it was locusts and possible other insects, but they sound different from the locusts back in the states. I was confused at first and thought maybe a car was driving around in the dark with its engine on the brink of destruction. It reminded me of being inside a factory with the incessant rumbling of heavy machinery. Once the sun got into the sky the sounds vanished and all was quiet.

My goal for the run was to reach 80 minutes, and I ended up with 90, with the last 20 minutes run at a hard pace. My legs were strong, breathing good, and energy above average, so it was one of my better work outs. I believe I have reached the minimum fitness required to attempt a run up the mountain, but I will continue to run for another month before I do it.

Songkran Festival begins on April 13, and I plan to do a 2 hour long run that day in the late morning heat because many people will be spraying passersby with water - I am looking forward to running along the mote with a continuous stream of cooling water being splashed upon me!