Saturday, April 24, 2010

Buddy & Olav

Had a good practice session yesterday.

I visited Olav's site and went deeper into the blues lessons. They are clearly written and have interesting backing tracks to play along with. I studied a section on turnarounds and easily learned some of the common ones, such as going from the 4th fret down to the first on the high E and G strings. After practicing it many times Rachel walked into the room and said if she heard the shuffle/turnaround one more time she was going to scream :)

So I went into my music room and played along to Buddy Guy songs. I found that many of the songs that I burned onto the CD are in the key of D, so I got a chance to practice something other than the usual A or E. I practiced standing up, which I don't do very often, but it is necessary if I ever want to jam with Joseph and his gf.

I feel I am making progress from day to day. My fingers are becoming stronger and more coordinated, knowledge of songs/scales/chords is increasing, and I am slowly becoming more relaxed as I play. The great thing about this quest is the complexity and depth of the guitar and music - no matter how far I get, there will always be a long road to travel.