Sunday, August 8, 2010

Arkansas Traveler 100 and the Perfectly Preserved Moth

Now that Lean Horse 100 is off the table, I have been searching for a 100 mile race in the autumn. The Arkansas Traveler 100 is in early October, which seems to be a perfect time to run a 100 mile race. Still early enough in the season for a chance of warm weather, but late enough so that when the race is finished I can put an end to the season and take a 4-6 week break.

Do I have what it takes to run 100 miles? Am I properly trained? What happens if my stomach goes south and I start barfing on the course? What if my quads turn to cement at mile 65? These questions and other uncertainties flitted through my mind as I walked hills for 4 hours this afternoon.

This year I returned to my old way of training - run every other day, and when I want to feel extra fresh, take 2 days off. I did this method of training in Chicago and I found it suited me. The days off allow my body full recovery, which means that every run is quality. The days I don't run I usually spend walking. Lately the walks have been on the 2 hills in town. Walking is just as pleasurable to me as running, and with ultra races some portions of the race are spent walking hills, or even flat ground.

Yesterday I walked 3 hours, two at the cemetery hill. About an hour into the walk I found a moth laying directly on my well worn path. Even though it was on blacktop, it blended in so that it looked like a patch of grass breaking up the concrete. It was well preserved, beautiful colors and shapes making me wonder about the mysteries of life. I carried it home with me.