Friday, August 6, 2010

Tapering at the Track

The 2 weeks before an ultra are soft and easy, although the workouts I do are anything but. My plan during this taper is to work on improving my sprinting speed. No rhyme or reason to it, as long as it's anything but a distance run it's fair game.

The past 3 workouts I went to the track and did 150m sprints followed by a 50m jog repeated until exhaustion. The short recovery jog gives my heart just enough time to reset itself for the next repeat. Wednesday's workout was at noon in 95 degree heat and high humidity. The track smelled like a tire factory and the heat rising off the rubber made it feel 10 degrees hotter. I surprisingly felt strong during the run, and my willingness to work hard on a hot day paid off because today I felt faster and stronger than I have all year. It was only 80 degrees, with lower humidity, and no matter how hard I pushed during the 150m sprints I was in control of my breath. I felt like I could run for an hour so I decided to stop before exhaustion set in because I did not want to have sore legs leading up to the race.

My hope is that the short, fast running will increase my long distance cruising speed.