Thursday, December 30, 2010

1 week

Melinda's Alley

I have not been doing too much the past couple of weeks. There was a lot of snow last week, about 6-7 inches, on one of the days I ran the South Farms loop but stopped after 10 miles because my legs got too tired from high stepping.

I have not picked up the guitar in almost 3 weeks. I had been playing consistently for a year, so I wanted to take a break. When I get settled into the apt I will start up again.

I like my new laptop computer, I won't have an internet connection at my apt so I plan to access the wifi signal at Lincoln Square mall a few times a week.

Leona's job was listed at the UPD a few days ago, the position will be open for internal applicants only, so that increases my chances of being chosen. I am currently working on my resume and the cover letter. Leona suggested I use her as a reference, it will look good that the person whom I will be training with for 5 months will be recommending me :)

In one week I will be starting a new life. My state of mind has surprisingly remained calm and focused on day to day living. I told the people at work about the divorce, it was not too uncomfortable. I feel bad for my mother, she is not taking it very well. I saw her at Christmas and she cried.